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Five Fascinating Facts About Onshore Gulf Coast Hydrocarbon Production

Mention the words “oil and gas” and what might come to mind …

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U.S. Shale Toughs Out OPEC Price Blows

Is the U.S. shale revolution finally succumbing to OPEC’s output-generated price slump? …

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Has Shale Disrupted Oil Investment Metrics?

Oil price slide disruptions won’t last much longer. So says the International …

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Will OPEC-Fueled Price War Spell Permian Extinction? Not a Chance

Much has been made of the recent per barrel crude oil price …

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BridgeTex Pipeline: Relieving the Permian Basin Squeeze

The BridgeTex Pipeline is a significant crude oil pipeline system in the …

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Permian Basin Oil News

Latest Permian Basin News Basin operators increase interest in shipping oil by …

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Permian Basin Economic Impact = Powerhouse

Energy booms power people and the Permian Basin economic impact on the …

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Eagle Ford Shale Fuels Corpus Christi Boom

Accelerating vitality from the Eagle Ford Shale play has put the Corpus …

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Eagle Ford Shale Boom May Soon Cross Mexican Border

Back in the primordial times of 2010, the Eagle Ford Shale formation …

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Mexico’s Eagle Ford Shale Gain to Reap Texas Reward

Two potentially propitious forces are converging in Mexico’s Eagle Ford Shale play: …

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