Aresco's Latest News & Articles

Vertical Wells Still a Mainstay of Oil Production in Oklahoma

Despite the meteoric rise in the number of horizontal wells and the …

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U.S. Energy Independence on the Horizon?

In the not too distant past, the thought of U.S. energy independence …

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Aresco LP announces record-setting quarter

Aresco LP announces record-setting quarter with multiple successful well completions, new field …

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Cherokee Platform Well Completion Announced by Aresco

Aresco LP Announces Successful Hunton Lime Vertical Well Completion, New Field Discovery …

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Aresco acquires oil interest in Cherokee Platform in Oklahoma

Aresco LP acquires working interest position in multiple-play opportunity in Oklahoma County, …

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Will OPEC-Fueled Price War Spell Permian Extinction? Not a Chance

Much has been made of the recent per barrel crude oil price …

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Oil Well Pictures in the Permian Basin

Just in case you don’t know a lot about the oil rig …

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Anadarko Basin horizontal drilling project begun by Aresco LP

(Dallas, Texas) –– Aresco LP, a privately held exploration and production company, …

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Boom Stresses Expose Rich Permian Opportunities

Increasing oil and gas production from the Eagle Ford formation and the …

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